Thursday, December 22, 2016

My Friday rant.

This is going to be short and to the point.....I saw news footage last night showing tens of thousands of ‘refugees’ on the march across Europe.  One thing I noticed is the lack of women, children and old men.  Yes, there were a few, but very few.  I wondered why in the hell aren’t all those young men fighting for their country?  There are resistance fighters that would gladly welcome the help from all those young me.  Don’t they have anything worth fighting for?  If they don't care about their own country why the hell should I?  Why should our military die for something they are not willing to die for?  Where did they leave the women and children and why the hell did they leave them?  To what fate?  If their own country isn’t worth fighting for why should I give a damn about them?  The means for change is in their hands not mine.

Then I started thinking about the President wanting to bring in a total of over 100,000 "refugees".  Beyond the obvious danger of doing that, how are they getting here?  Can't swim and they are all broke.  So, at $300 each or so it comes to $30,000,000.00 to get them here.  Who do you think is picking up that tab?  You have feeding them, many will require 'special' diets, clothing them, medical care, shelter and on and on.  Who do you think is picking up that tap.  All that is just to get them to our country.  The cost is piling up and they still need to be taken and settled someplace.  Then fed, clothed, housed and doctored till they get a job.  Who will hire a 'refugee' at a living wage with no skills other than goat herding and cannot speak English?

We need to wake up quick and separate our heart from our head.

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